Announcement: Ni2 invites interested High Schoolers to the Young Fellows Innovator-in-Residence Program
Published: August 22, 2022

The National Innovators Initiative (Ni2) is inviting interested 13 – 18 year olds to the Young Fellows Innovator-in-Residence Program. The program is a 6 – 12 month fellowship for High School Students. Ni3’s Open House and Info Session is on Saturday, 27 August 2022 2:30 PM.
You may RSVP and find more details at
Read more of their program below:
“You know these types of 13-18 year olds; those who should be dreaming about Harvard, Oxford or any of the world’s top universities – because they can! Or maybe they’re not the scholastic type, but they have the strengths and the promise that would benefit greatly from studying abroad – in a multinational, multicultural environment that expands and globalizes their horizons and their sense of who they can be.
The NATIONAL INNOVATORS INITIATIVE (Ni2) presents the YOUNG FELLOWS INNOVATOR-IN-RESIDENCE program. A 6 to 12 month Fellowship designed for 13-18 year olds – the Ni2 Young Fellows program is one of the most life-changing and powerful opportunities for high school students to prepare for and distinguish themselves not only for the world’s most prestigious colleges, but above all for lifelong leadership, innovation and impact. How to live a life of joy, meaning and wholeness.
As it is never too early to nurture our next generation of leaders and change makers; and too often we do so too late with lifelong consequences: Imagine yourself…
As a teenager you can already point, not just to exemplary grades and extracurriculars, but to being the founder of a hi-impact innovation. It can be a product, service, advocacy, campaign, model, etc – something that makes the world a better place and speaks deeply to who you are and what you value and care about.
Don’t know who you are and what you value and care about? No problem – that’s our special expertise and precisely where we start your Fellowship experience. Introspection, self-awareness, empathy, wisdom and discernment – these are the life skills that will accompany you as the foundations and constant companions of your Fellowship journey. As a Young Fellow, you are really beginning a lifelong quest to make the world a better place, while finding your unique place in it.
As an Innovator-in-Residence, we don’t just groom you to be a freshman in Harvard or Oxford (although you get plenty of that). We guide you step-by-step as you discover, develop and launch your own hi-impact innovation. We hold your hand in our community of practice and show you that there is a method to the madness – that with disciplined practice you too can be an innovator in the mold of Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos or whoever you want to be.
Join our Ni2 Open House & Info Session on Saturday, 27 August 2022 @ 230PM.
You will meet the team, learn everything you need to know about the fellowship program and hear from Fellows who have come before. You will also learn about generous scholarship opportunities and the overall vibe and inclusivity of the Fellowship experience.
RSVP and details at