Mark your calendars! The DICT-IIDB invites you to its “Advancing the Startup Ecosystem through the Lens of Juana” Webinar on March 24, 2 – 4 PM
Published: March 13, 2023

Are you an aspiring startup founder? Already a startup team member? A startup mentor or an entrepreneur– much more a woman leader in tech?
Then, this webinar is for you!
In line with the celebration of the National Women’s Month, the Department of Information and Communications Technology-ICT Industry Development Bureau is inviting you to our National Women’s Month Startup Webinar with the theme, “Advancing the Startup Ecosystem through the Lens of Juana” on March 24, 2 pm – 4 pm.
Join us as we explore the different views of our distinguished women speakers who have created their own paths in the startup ecosystem. Engage in fruitful discussions and conversations on building and expanding your own startups.
Let us go hand-in-hand in acknowledging and celebrating women’s valuable contributions and significant roles in the startup ecosystem!
For interested participants, you may register here: